Establish Strong Family Bonds: Read This Parenting Book On Kindness & Empathy

Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs on the planet! Dedicating yourself to shaping a brighter future for your child takes a lot of commitment, investment, and sacrifice. But as K.S. Benjamin points out in his new book, Raising Kids with Heart: Building Kindness and Confidence in Kids, there are several things you can do to improve your child’s chances of becoming a kind, purpose-driven, upstanding member of society.

Find out what these things are by getting yourself a copy of the book at

Why This Book Now?

Raising Kids with Heart: Building Kindness and Confidence in Kids was born out of Benjamin’s experiences as a parent and finance professional. His journey has seen him maintain a successful career while also being a devoted father to his 7-year-old son, who he claims “embodies the qualities of kindness, politeness, confidence, and cheerfulness that most parents hope for”. He was able to do this by following some simple strategies, all of which he is now sharing with you!

Raising Kids with Heart is a must-read for parents who want to enhance their children’s lives, making them happier, kinder, and more well-rounded,” explains Benjamin. “This book will show you the importance of putting yourself in your kids’ shoes, teaching them how to think rather than what to think.”

What’s In The Book?

Of the many strategies included in the book, some of the most valuable you will learn have to do with raising an emotionally intelligent and kind child, building trust with them, and helping them deal with potential peer pressure and bullying. Also included are tips for how to cultivate and maintain enduring and robust family bonds.

Along the way, Benjamin shares several personal anecdotes from his time as a father. These anecdotes are meant to be entertaining, illuminating, and comforting to those parents who may feel they are alone in their struggles. Benjamin also starts each chapter off with a relevant quote from a famous intellectual, giving you the chance to reflect on the topic before reading what follows.

What Are The Goals Of The Book?

By the end of the book, Benjamin hopes you will be better equipped to help your child overcome challenges and be confident in their own abilities. He also believes that you will learn a lot about yourself and your own potential in the process, so really, it’s a two-for-one kind of deal!

“This book offers a lot of practical advice and emphasizes the importance of empathy and confidence,” said a satisfied parent. “I thought the advice was simple, approachable, and really easy to implement on a day-to-day basis. Kindness was focused on throughout — in particular, the importance of modeling it first as the parent, which I think is crucial.”

Join the many parents who have already read Raising Kids with Heart: Building Kindness and Confidence in Kids and go to to start improving your child’s life today!

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